關於pardon my french的評價, Mickey 黃鈺文
D’accord...So basically I walked into a fairly traditional home style French restaurant by myself, u...
D’accord...So basically I walked into a fairly traditional home style French restaurant by myself, u...
#Excuse #my #French 這句習語 .. 很少機會用得上;即使用,恐怕亦會流於做作 ....
【Go Dutch是各付各的,那when in Rome跟羅馬有什麼關係?】 Dutch被英國人用...
英式主婦之睇八卦學英文 - bloody 頭先碌碌吓fb見到呢條八卦新聞,心諗「混帳女人」原文係乜...
可愛的每總笑聲! 都是獨特的! "I don't understand French, can y...
This is just4 mins of my 24mins presentation at t...
Pardon my French,跟講法文一點關係都沒有?when in Rome又是什麼意思呢?...
I did not expect this thing to go viral (no pun i...